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Orthomolecular advice, what is that?

The starting point of orthomolecular advice is to find the cause of a complaint or illness. By removing the cause, the complaint does not disappear temporarily but permanently. This is in contrast to treating the complaint by means of symptom control, which is often the case within the regular medical world when using medication.

Our modern Western, often ultra-processed food, contains a lot less nutrients than before and most people do not consume all the products of the Wheel of Five every day. In addition, the consumption of nutrients is often many times higher due to the hectic and stressful society in which a lot is asked of us, and even of our children. Many of the current chronic complaints such as fatigue, depression, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, etc. are the result of this.

A common cause is, for example, a nutritional deficiency, for example due to an incorrect diet or a disturbed digestion, which means that nutrients cannot be absorbed properly. Another common cause in these stressful, busy times is an overactive immune system. An immune system that is always 'on' costs your body a lot of energy, which means that other bodily processes (such as the production of hormones, detoxification and recovery) receive too little energy and an imbalance occurs in the body.

Improving your diet, optimising your digestion, adjusting your lifestyle and regulating your immune system are often the first steps to take when you come for orthomolecular advice.

The orthomolecular advice you receive at On Healthy Ground is based on the above orthomolecular principles. Food is the medicine! In addition, much attention is paid to lifestyle changes that ensure that you go through life without complaints and vital.

How do I proceed?

Because every body is different and reacts differently and the severity of the complaints is different for everyone, a fixed period cannot be linked to a treatment plan. It is never 'one size fits all'. You will therefore never get general advice from me. I respond to the needs of each individual and take into account all factors that play a role.

I always start with an extensive intake with a questionnaire to get everything that may play a role in the complaints out in the open. Blood, saliva or stool tests and the use of nutritional supplements can be part of a treatment plan. Think for example of the EMB blood test, which gives a broad picture of possible disturbances, nutrient deficiencies or imbalances or various specific tests such as a hormone test, microbiome test, fatty acid balance or vitamin D deficiency. For these specific tests I work together with various laboratories such as Mijn Labtest and Bloedwaardetest.

Orthomolecular advice is a holistic advice and includes, as mentioned, a piece of nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and relaxation/stress reduction, possibly supplemented with specific supplementation. An advice therefore never consists of just one consultation. Depending on the complaint(s), a complete treatment plan is often necessary.

Image by Cristi Ursea
Image by Jeppe Hove Jensen
  • To fall off

  • Insulin resistance / Pre-diabetes

  • Diabetes type 2

  • High cholesterol

  • Digestive complaints (IBS, heartburn, constipation, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, etc.)

  • Hormonal complaints (menopause, PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, migraine, etc.)

  • Joint complaints (arthrosis, arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia)

  • Osteoporosis

  • Skin and hair complaints

  • Fatigue

  • Sleep problems

  • Thyroid problems

  • Desire to have children

  • And much more…

Would you like customized orthomolecular advice that will help you achieve and maintain a healthy and strong body? Then make use of my free consultation hour on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 7:30 PM at Aerofit Healthclub (make an appointment via the Aerofit reception) or book a free and non-binding consultation here (approx. 15 min). We can then discuss whether and if so how I can guide you. Also bookable online, completely remotely!

Orthomoleculair advies: tarieven & vergoedingen

  • Intake / 1st consultation € 110 (approx. 90 min)

  • Follow-up consultation €73.50 (approx. 60 min)

  • Follow-up consultation €47.50 (approx. 30 min)

  • Telephone or short consultation €25 (max 15 min)

All rates quoted include VAT, excluding any necessary blood tests.

If you have additional insurance with your health insurer, it is sometimes possible to qualify for reimbursement for the consultations. Always check this carefully in advance!

Blood tests are not reimbursed. Payment for each consultation in advance via my booking app Trainin. You can then submit the invoice to your health insurer.  

If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let me know at least 48 hours in advance, otherwise I will be forced to charge you the full consultation fee.

I am not affiliated with a professional association.

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