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Personal Training

Pre- &

Krachttraining voor vrouwen (fatburning, shaping, muscle building)

senior training




Body building

wedstrijd of fotoshoot




Personal Training: specialismen


"The only limit is you."

Why train with a Personal Trainer? Your desired result: improving your overall health, achieving sports-specific goals, becoming stronger and more vital, participating in a bikini fitness competition, getting through pregnancy as healthy as possible, getting back in shape after giving birth, or whatever other goal you want to achieve, is achieved much faster under professional guidance.

As your Personal Trainer, I will help you with the discipline and I will be the proverbial stick behind the door for you to come and exercise and to keep going, even when it becomes physically and mentally tough. Under my guidance, you will train safely, effectively and purposefully! During the training sessions, I will ensure sufficient variation and fun, because that is an important condition for continuing to exercise sustainably. When you come to train with me, I will also give you tools and tips in the field of nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle, factors that are essential for a healthy and strong body and for optimal training results. I would like to use my passion for and knowledge of the pillars of behavior, mindset, nutrition, training, supplementation and recovery to help you achieve your goals.

Do you just want to improve your technique, are you unsure about the execution of certain exercises or do you want to tackle certain mobility limitations and do you want me to help you with that? You can also book a personal training with me for a one-off or multiple of these technique sessions or mobility trainings.

For Medical Personal Training, click here. For the hormone balance program, click here. And for a longer-term program including lifestyle coaching, click here .

Personal training: mobility training

Mobility training can be seen as a combination of strength training and yoga. In all possible positions we increase the range of motion of a muscle and joint, the so-called range of motion (ROM). Within this ROM, strength, flexibility and stability are then trained to become stronger and move more easily in the positions that are specific to your goal.

Mobility training is suitable for everyone. We can work on all kinds of sport-specific issues. Think of a runner who runs better by improving the mobility in ankles and hips, a strength athlete who can lift heavier in the back squat by improving the mobility in ankles and hips or a crossfitter who improves the execution of the overhead squat or snatch. Mobility training also helps you move more easily in daily life and prevent stiffness due to, for example, a sedentary job.

The mobility trainings can be booked per half hour. Are you curious about the possibilities for you? Then contact me for a free introductory meeting!

Sporty pregnant woman exercising with du

Onderzoek wijst uit dat krachttraining tijdens de zwangerschap de gezondheid van zowel moeder als kind goed doet. Het helpt je een gezond gewicht te handhaven, moodswings in toom te houden, beter te slapen, je bloeddruk laag te houden en het risico op zwangerschapsdiabetes en bekkengerelateerde klachten te verlagen. En last but not least, een fit lichaam zorgt ervoor dat je de bevalling beter aankunt en zorgt voor een sneller herstel na je bevalling. 

Na je bevalling is het belangrijk weer sterk en fit te worden door veilige en gerichte oefeningen te doen met extra aandacht voor de bekkenbodemspieren en de core. 


Reden genoeg dus om te (blijven) trainen tijdens je zwangerschap en het weer op te pakken vanaf ca. 6 weken na je bevalling. Het is logisch dat je het spannend vindt om te trainen omdat je misschien onzeker bent over welke oefeningen je wel of juist niet moet doen en met welke intensiteit. Daarom is het altijd een goed idee om dit te doen onder de professionele begeleiding van een gecertificeerde pre- en postnatale trainer/coach. Wanneer je met mij traint ben je er zeker van dat je veilig en doelgericht traint. Daarnaast probeer ik er natuurlijk altijd een leuke training van te maken!  


Je kan bij mij losse trainingen of een strippenkaart afnemen. In het geval er tijdens je zwangerschap strippen overblijven, blijven deze geldig en kun je deze gewoon weer gebruiken vanaf 6 weken na je bevalling. 


From the age of 30, we all lose a little bit of muscle strength and muscle mass (sarcopenia) every year. Especially after the age of 55, it goes fast and the ratio between fat mass and muscle mass changes rapidly. Muscle mass decreases and fat mass increases.

We all get older, that process cannot be stopped. However, maintaining as much muscle mass as possible is in your own hands. You can stop or slow down the loss of muscle mass by training your muscles. Strength training, that is. Regular strength training not only ensures the maintenance or increase of muscle mass, but also a healthier, more vital and more active life. You can read more about this in my blog about this.

As a personal trainer I am specialized in strength training for the elderly. I would like to help you improve your vitality and health!

Personal Training: Tarief


Personal Training

1 session

€73.50 - 50-60 minutes

€47.50 - 25-30 minutes

10-trip card

5% discount

€695 - 50-60 minutes

€450 - 25-30 minutes

pay the entire amount in advance

Valid for 4 months

When you train together (duo PT), you both get a 25% discount on the above price!

Not tomorrow, not next week, not when you have time... START NOW!


I give my Personal Trainings at Aerofit Healthclub, Hofcampweg 270 in Wassenaar. To train with me there you have to be a member. For more information about subscriptions, take a look at the Aerofit website .

If you have any questions about this, ask them in the chat, call me or send me an email.

Personal Training: Trainingslocatie
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