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Sportvasten: wat is het?
in 4 weeks
Sports fasting

Also possible remotely with online coaching!


"An effective training method"

Sports fasting is a scientifically proven 10-day training method that forces the metabolism to structurally switch (the switch) from sugar to fat burning. The body then no longer gets its energy mainly from sugar but from fat, with the result that more fat is burned and excess fat reserves such as abdominal fat decrease. This switch allows your body to benefit in the short term from all the health advantages of fat burning such as weight loss, better endurance, more energy and a fitter feeling!


★ Too high a fat percentage (while you eat healthy)
Energy dips (after lunch dip..)

Being chronically tired
Difficulty maintaining endurance training
Need for sweets

Need to 'have to' eat at certain times of the day

Need for fast sugars during long workouts
Poor recovery after (heavy) training



★ 2 to 6kg weight loss

★ Lower fat percentage

★ Improved metabolism

★ Improved insulin sensitivity

★ Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels

More energy - fewer sugar dips

★ Reduced waist size (3 to 8 cm)

Better stamina

Less desire for sweets


  Extensive intake interview incl. measurement (approx. 45 min.)

Personal Sports Fasting Nutrition and Training Protocol

★ Make the Switch package with supplements, metabolic switch, and switch strips

Personal guidance throughout the treatment by telephone, WhatsApp or email

★ Evaluation at the end of the treatment (20-30 minutes) with final measurement and advice on how to proceed

★ Coaching session including measurement 30 and 60 days after the end of the treatment

★ Prepare for the Switch and Keep the Switch are not included in the package but can be purchased at an additional cost.

Sportvasten: make the switch


The 10-day Sports Fasting Cure is the kickstart to a healthier lifestyle! The name “Make The Switch” refers to the switch you make from sugar to fat burning in these 10 days. You train under the guidance of a Sports Fasting Coach. During the Sports Fasting Cure, you reduce your diet in 3 days. Then you go on a juice fast for 2 to 3 days and then build up your diet in a controlled manner in 4 days. You also take the nutritional supplements that support you during the cure. They support your body in making the switch, protect your muscle mass, provide sufficient energy and suppress the feeling of hunger. You combine this with 20 to 30 minutes of endurance training every day. The intensity of the training is determined personally for you by your coach. In order to measure whether you make the metabolic switch during the fasting days, urine tests are used during the cure. Such a test consists of a strip that changes color when it comes into contact with some urine. The degree of discoloration indicates whether and to what extent you have switched to fat burning. With these results I can adjust the treatment if necessary to achieve the best possible effect. Remember, sports fasting is an individual training program, not a standard schedule and certainly not a diet. After the Sports Fasting treatment you will feel reborn and your new lifestyle can begin!

Sportvasten: prepare for the switch


What are the requirements to start the treatment?

★ You must be in reasonable shape and be able to exercise for 20-30 minutes every day for 10 days at a moderately intensive level. Of course I will coach and guide you through this entire process and we will look together during the intake which intensity suits you.

★ You are in good health. For example, do you have diabetes? Then you are not allowed to do sports fasting; nutrition is then of vital importance.

★ Strong motivation, a large portion of discipline and perseverance

★ The willingness and time to take it a bit easier during these 10 days and, for example, take a day off.
★ The willingness to adjust your lifestyle and continue exercising after the treatment.

If you are not yet suitable, but are motivated, I can guide you to suitability with the "Prepare for the Switch" program. Take the suitability test here.


It may be that your body and mind are not yet sufficiently prepared to start sports fasting at this time.

I can then look with you at how we can best fill in that preparation. This can be done, for example, by improving your fitness level, so that you can train those 20 to 30 minutes at a good intensity. In addition, we also look at your diet and make a plan for that to ensure that there are sufficient of the specific nutrients that are needed for the switch.

We can possibly use 'Prepare for the Switch' supplements in consultation to supplement deficiencies and optimally prepare you for the treatment. The time needed for preparation varies from person to person.

Once you are well prepared, you can start Make the Switch, the actual sports fasting cure.

Sportvasten: keep the switch


During the sports fasting cure your body has made the metabolic switch from sugar to fat burning. You want to protect that switch to prevent you from falling back into the sugar state.

A relapse could mean that you stop losing weight, or even gain weight again, and that your health and vitality decrease. The basis for maintaining the switch is and always remains regular intensive exercise and moderate carbohydrate consumption. To help your body maintain the metabolic switch, various products, nutritional and training guidelines have been developed.

I will provide you with the training and nutrition guidelines. These will help you maintain the metabolic switch. In addition, there are various mini sports fasting cures available (1 day and 3 days), which you can use to maintain and/or reactivate the metabolic switch.

That is perhaps the most unique thing about sports fasting, once you have trained a complete switch, you can activate your fat burning faster. There are also various nutritional supplements that help you maintain the switch.


sportvasten: tarief

Prepare for the Switch

from € 165

Rate depends on the required duration and intensity of the preparation

Rate is based on the nutritional consultation rate

(min 1x60 min and 2x30 min)

Make the Switch package

1:1 €300        1:2 € 275 pp

10 days including:

1-on-1 guidance

package with all supplements

personal protocol

personal advice after the treatment

start whenever you want

personal intake with measurement

daily personal contact via app or email

2 coaching sessions with measurement after 30 and 60 days

Keep the Switch package

€100 for approx. 3 months

3 x Metabolic Switch mini cure package of 13 x 7 gram sachets. This will last you an average of 3 months with mini cures


You can see and feel the results of the Sports Fasting cure within 10 days!

You can easily maintain your achieved Sports Fasting results with Keep The Switch.

With Sports Fasting you can kick-start your lifestyle change.

Are you ready to make the switch?

Do you have any questions or would you like to discuss with me first whether you are fit enough to start?

Sportvasten: veelgetelde vragen
sportvasten: de achtergrond

In prehistoric times, humans had to hunt to get food. Sometimes there was abundance, sometimes scarcity. In times of food scarcity, the body switches from burning sugar to burning fat. In recent decades, our diet and lifestyle have changed considerably. We have started eating more sugars and carbohydrates and we have started doing much less physical work. As a result, our body increasingly opts for the easy, fast energy sources, namely sugars. These are always available in abundance in the body. As a result, we use the energy source for long-term use "fat burning" less and less and when the sugar in our blood runs out, we are tired and weak and want to eat more sugars. We often eat too much, which converts the sugars back into fats and these are stored, making us gain weight again. Due to the metabolic switch that you make with sports fasting to burning fat, we use the less easy, slow energy supply more often and for longer, and we maintain a more stable blood sugar level and we are less likely to crave sugars. We eat less (over) and stay slimmer.

From scientific research we know that people whose muscles are particularly good at burning fat (such as endurance athletes) are generally slimmer, more vital and healthier. In addition, they often suffer less from overweight or health problems as a result of the Western lifestyle and dietary habits.

The specific combination of sports, fasting and the use of certain nutritional supplements can influence the metabolism in such a way that the burning of fat by the muscles is stimulated. So-called type-2A muscle fibers then switch from sugar to fat burning. When making this switch, the body produces certain hormones and genes are influenced in such a way that the metabolism in the entire body changes. The genes in question are the so-called primal genes that enable humans and animals to hunt for food in periods of food scarcity. Due to social changes and current eating and living habits, these useful and protective primal genes are hardly used anymore.

The primal genes and hormones together ensure that the body will produce extra mitochondria (the power stations in the cells) and that the burning of fats is further stimulated. The energy production from sugar and fat will be better balanced as a result. As a result, the body becomes slimmer, the need for sugar decreases and therefore the pressure on the insulin system will also decrease. Because when muscles are mainly set to burning sugar, this causes a strongly fluctuating blood sugar level with a greater need for sugary food, resulting in greater pressure on the insulin system.

When your body has gone through the metabolic switch and you continue to exercise at least 2 to 3 times a week, do not eat too many sweets and eat limited carbohydrates, especially in the evening, you can continue to benefit from all the advantages after the treatment and even improve your results further.

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